Transport and Logistics Department

The LECH-DRÓB Poultry Plant transports slaughter raw material as part of its own transport. This is achieved by a transport fleet equipped with over 100 specialized means of transport, which consists of modern articulated vehicles, consisting of a truck tractor and a semi-trailer.


Livestock transport

The LECH-DRÓB Poultry Plant meets the requirements resulting from the regulations regarding the obligation to obtain all permits and certificates of approval of means of transport, as well as licenses for drivers and persons servicing animals. Our means of transport have specialized adaptations to the transport of poultry, which makes them completely safe and guarantee appropriate conditions of transport.

Transport and Logistics Department

Wojciech Dziołak

Director of motor vehicle service and operations


phone: +48 515 118 297

Karol Wrzesiński

Director for fuel trading and techinical warehouses


phone: +48 517 132 377

Tomasz Witkowski

Logistics manager for the contracting department


phone: +48 515 118 334

Jan Służalec

Head of transport


phone: +48 515 118 298

We offer whole carcasses as well as individual elements

The LECH-DRÓB Poultry Plant offers whole carcasses and individual elements from the cutting of broth, meat and chicken – both fresh and frozen (a modern blast freezer). Many years of experience, modern technologies, efficient staff of specialists and reliable suppliers of livestock, which are both a guarantee of the highest quality of products signed with the LECH-DRÓB brand.


ul. Tartaczna 20B, 14-230 Zalewo
Customer Advisor phone:
+48 89 642 50 00
NIP: 744-160-85-56
KRS: 0000053920

This website is for illustrative purposes only, it does not constitute a commercial offer within the meaning of art.66 §1 of the Civil Code. The graphic materials, including visualizations, posted on the website are for illustrative purposes only, and the models of buildings and land development presented in them may be subject to changes at the implementation stage.

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Polityka Prywatności

tel: +48 89 642 50 00